Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Every week that I am here it feels more and more like home, its funny a few posts ago I remember saying I am completely settled, I didn't think you could feel more relaxed in another country but it is possible and this country is starting to feel like my country. I was watching a film last week which was set in London, I was surprised that I felt such a distance to it, it really felt like a foreign place, they were driving on the M4, a road I drove on weekly, the road seemed strange and unfamiliar. Watching England in this film no longer seemed like a film set at "home".
This week has been a pretty good week all in all, nothing overly eventful happened. Tabatha was home from camp with a stomach virus on Wednesday, and although I was sorry she was sick, I was also really grateful for the extra time we got to spend together. Elizabeth and I spend a lot of time together just the two of us, because she is so much younger and needs constant supervision, which I also love, she is a very sweet kid. However it was nice spending alone time with Tabatha as it was a rare treat, and it really felt more like hanging out with a friend rather than work.
This week was also amazing as I finally managed to save up enough money for everything I wanted to do so I booked tickets to go and see friends in CO and MA, I then had enough money left over to buy myself a very lovely Camera.
Yesterday my host mom came home in a very american looking car, she told me it was my new ride, I had seen photos of it online but didn't expect it to be so tall. It is very very nice however.

Only really bad thing that happened is I am now sick :/.

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