Tuesday, July 19, 2011


I left England feeling like I had a nice group of friends, many of which although I wanted to stay in contact with, I felt that the friendship may fizzle out of existence as both our lives moved into different directions. I thought that this would be a big leap for me, a leap I would have to make all on my own, and I was terrified of leaving everyone behind for fear of loosing them forever.

I was more than a little surprised by the amount of cards and gifts I recieved from people before leaving, and how on my last few days people were handing me addresses and telephone numbers of all the people they knew in the states. This was a great help, and made things much easier, knowing that if anything happened I would have more than just one person to go to.

The thing that I was most surprised by was how now that I have gone, the amount of support people back home are giving me. Strangely even though a lot of the love and support I am receiving is all from 3,000 miles away, it has been an amazing help for me getting past home sickness, sticking to my decision and pushing me to enjoy my time here.

I have been more than a little bit lucky that I have been able to spend the last few weeks getting to see my now very good friend who I knew before arriving, it is sad she is now leaving this week, but being able to spend my first block of time with someone familiar has been a feeling that could not have been replicated by anything.

At the end of next month, a girl whom I was able to go through the au-pair application and matching process with, will be arriving and although we haven't physically met I hope I can give her the same comfort as my friend gave me.

This blog post is basically just to say thank you to everyone who has been talking to me and supporting me, both in the States and in the UK. You have all been amazing and I don't know how I would have coped without you.


  1. this is really great to hear hannah! i know you were worried about leaving everyone. its good that you are having a good time :-)
    will always support you whatever you need and will most certainly be here for you when you get home xxxx

  2. I'm gonna miss you so much!
    But when you come back, we'll do the England-Denmark-exchange :)

  3. Thank you so much- I have no doubt you will become a great friend and support system for me xxx
