Their camp is amazing and keeps them entertained throughout the whole day with games, swim, arts, play and many more fun activities, so I know it is nothing I could come close to providing them with at home.
I have developed a hobby of sorts, one that I was quite ashamed of, but after talking to my friend and looking online then in barnes and nobel, I found I wasn't the only one who found great joy in this. After clearing out my wallet last week I realised I had several quarters with states on the back, so I decided I would make it a mission to have collected all of the states by the end of the year, then I discovered there are other things on the backs of them so I can have a few different collections. I was looking for a folder to put all of the coins in, and found this very lovely state map which I am rather proud of.
Other firsts include; Seeing my first night of fireflies, Meeting a surprising amount of new people for the first time, Going on the US highway for the first time (and possibly the last time), My first independence day celebration, went into dunkin doughnuts for the first time, went to an american comic book store for the first time, and my first walk across the brooklyn bridge.
After crossing the bridge my friend took me into a lovely comic book store with amazing staff calledmidtown comics where I went in aiming to spend a maximum of $3 and ended up spending $35! After this we wondered into central park and read our shiny new graphic novels under the stars.
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